Transparency • Advocacy • Collaboration

Income Planning

Have you reached retirement, sold your business or acquired a settlement? Is your only source of income from your assets? A life living off investments could be considered blissful, but is often met with trepidation at the thought of relying on your investments as your sole support.

Trusting that you will have enough money to last you a lifetime, that you aren’t over spending or underspending, and that your investment risk is suitable is a delicate balance.

Let us help you understand what your assets can do.

Income planning is truly our niche. Together we consider everything you have built in your lifetime and help you allocate these resources to what’s important to you. We create a platform for you to make conscious decisions about how you are going to spend, grow and give away your money.

We work with your trusted advisors to integrate tax planning, cash flow planning, estate planning and investment selection.

Your Personal CFO

Focus on running your business; let us take care of the details.

Owning a business creates complexities and opportunities. Your business profits are driving your wealth, but what is the result? We integrate your personal wealth strategy with your corporate strategy. Working with all of your advisors, we create a tax-efficient, measurable strategy so that you can turn your corporate profit results into personal wealth.

We answer questions like:

  • What are the corporate targets to reach your personal goals?
  • What corporate structure best suits your exit strategy and family structure to be most tax efficient today and into the future?
  • What is the best way to pay yourself and why?
  • Do I need to save personally or should I reinvest in my business?

Fee Only Financial Planning

Our professional services are fee based. Depending on the experience of the planner, fees range from $150/hour to $300/hour.

Following a one-hour consultation you will be provided with a detailed proposal that outlines the scope of work, deliverables and projected cost.

Investment Management

We provide managed portfolio solutions for those clients who choose to have us oversee their asset management. Fees are competitive and negotiated based on total assets and our service agreement.

Legacy Planning

How you live your life, the traditions you follow, the values you pass on to your children are as much of your legacy as the assets that flow to the next generation.

As your financial advocate, we act as another pair of eyes and ears – as well as an unbiased third party – to evaluate the different legacy options and ensure that the complexity of your estate is meeting your goals.


Aging is part of living and as we get older we become more vulnerable. We love working with clients who are moving from an active role in their investment management to a more passive role. Working with your current investment advisors, accountants and lawyers we simplify and oversee the complexities of your financial arrangements.

Employee Benefits

We work in partnership with TRG Group Benefits to integrate your company benefits with your personal risk management.
We believe every client knows what is best for them. Our role is to translate numbers into a language that you understand so you can make decisions that will positively impact your life. I provide clarity so you can make choices.

Springtide Wealth

A Wealth of Clarity & Choice
